petTracer is a GPS collar designed specifically for cats. The petTracer collar has all the electronics built within and weighs only 34g. As opposed to most other GPS devices on the market, the petTracer collar does not use cell phone technology but a combination of GPS, radio and Wi-Fi technology. The petTracer collar lasts over 10 times longer than any other GPS device on the market. Depending on the chosen settings (mode) it can last up to 30 days.
3 x Light Blue Adjustment Bands
Do you need to replace the adjustment band that came with your Set?
Top 10 GPS Trackers
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Cats that refuse to wear our collar regardless of their parents' efforts

You’re about to uncover the secret life of your cat...
Ever wondered where your cat goes when he leaves home?
Could he be leading a double life, sneaking off to a second home for extra treats?
Now you can track his every move and unlock the mysteries of your cat's daily escapades.
What sets petTracer apart?
Shows locations on a map using GPS
Able to locate cat indoors or in areas with no GPS reception
Up to 30 day battery life
Designed exclusively for cats
Integrated LED
Safety Release Buckle
Ergonomic design for your cat's comfort
Loved by many
Frequently asked questions
We’ve got the answers.
Microchips are only useful once a cat has been found and scanned at either a rescue center or veterinary clinic. This can take days or weeks at best. With petTracer you can find where your cat is whenever you want. If your pet goes missing you can find it within minutes without the guesswork and worry.
petTracer is only sold directly from our website.
Yes, the technology of petTracer works anywhere in the world.
No. petTracer was specifically designed for cats and this is the reason why it works so well. Cats have very different behaviour patterns to dogs for instance and the algorithms that make petTracer such an effective collar would not work well.
You don’t need a computer for everyday tracking as this can be done via the petTracer app or any browser. However, you need a computer for the initial setup which will connect the petTracer HomeStation to your Wi-Fi.
No GPS device or collar can do this for certain. petTracer gives you the highest possible chance of finding your cat when you need to. With petTracer you will get to know your cat’s territory and favourite places. These are the locations where you would begin looking for your pet. Additionally, with our radio search technology you can even find your cat in places without GPS signal.